Title: Wrong match type for "Agent controller auto-registration" ruleset
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: agents
Date: 1698680381
Edition: cce
Knowledge: doc
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p13
The match type of the "Agent controller auto-registration" ruleset accidentally showed up with the information
"Matching: Each parameter is defined by the first matching rule where that parameter is set (checked)."
This is now corrected to
"Matching: The first matching rule defines the parameter."
The wrong match type had no effect to the actual ruleset evaluation, but lead to a crash when showing the effective
rulesets for a host.
Title: Support Diagnostics: Also add the latest Crash Dumps to the SD Dump
Class: feature
Compatible: compat
Component: setup
Date: 1695833651
Edition: cre
Knowledge: undoc
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p13
For each category of crash dumps (base, check, ec, gui, rest_api, section), add the latest dump
to the Support Diagnostics dump.
Title: Wrong match type for "Agent controller auto-registration" ruleset
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: agents
Date: 1698680381
Edition: cce
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
The match type of the "Agent controller auto-registration" ruleset accidentally showed up with the information
"Matching: Each parameter is defined by the first matching rule where that parameter is set (checked)."
This is now corrected to
"Matching: The first matching rule defines the parameter."
The wrong match type had no effect to the actual ruleset evaluation, but lead to a crash when showing the effective
rulesets for a host.
Werk 16066 was adapted. The following is the new Werk, a diff is shown at the end of the message.
Title: Add more host labels for agent based discovery on Linux
Class: feature
Compatible: incomp
Component: core
Date: 1698148635
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
Werk #11742 introduced the agent based discovery of host labels.
We now added the following labels for the Linux agent (example for Ubuntu):
Title: Add more host labels for agent based discovery on Linux
Class: feature
Compatible: incomp
Component: core
Date: 1698148635
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
Werk #11742 introduced the agent based discovery of host labels.
We now added the following labels for the Linux agent (example for Ubuntu):
+ <li>"cmk/os_type:linux"</li>
- <li>"cmk/os_name:Ubuntu</li>
+ <li>"cmk/os_name:Ubuntu"</li>
? +
- <li>"cmk/os_version:22.04</li>
+ <li>"cmk/os_version:22.04"</li>
? +
Title: Support Diagnostics: Collect information about installed Python modules
Class: feature
Compatible: compat
Component: setup
Date: 1695825678
Edition: cre
Knowledge: undoc
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p13
The support Diagnostics dump now contains information about the Python modules that are
installed in the site context. It uses the command "pip freeze" to gather that information.