ID: 13682
Title: super_server: Fix deactivation of Solaris network service
Component: agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
This Werk fixes a regression that got introduced with Werk #13678.
When trying to deactivate the Solaris agent's network service via the ruleset
"Checkmk agent network service (Solaris)", the agent bakery did crash on baking
ID: 13860
Title: Windows agent internal port set to 28250
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The change is intended to avoid the situation when the internal
agent port is randomly 'stolen' breaking the monitoring.
The former port 500001 is located in the range 32768-65535
and ports from the range may be used(randomly) by TCP clients
or even blocked by Windows(depends from version and service pack).
ID: 14259
Title: check_mailboxes: EWS protocol: Account email address can now be customized
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.2.0i1
Using EWS the account (used for both sending and receiving mails among other features) is
associated with identifiers, and the credentials username might be one of them for
convenience (but doesn't have to be).
This change provides an option to set the email address used to specify the account to be
contacted (i.e. PrimarySmtpAddress) in case it's different from the username.
If not specified the credentials username is being used as before.
This feature is only available for EWS and doesn't affect other email related active checks.
ID: 14322
Title: Fix initial login of remote site if login to web GUI is not allowed
Component: Setup
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
If a remote site with replication enabled was succesfully logged in and the
option "Direct login to Web GUI allowed" for this site was disabled afterwards,
logging out of that site on page "Distributed Monitoring" and trying to login
again lead to the error "Login is not permitted: Cannot connect to remote
site: Permission denied: Invalid login credentials.".
ID: 13908
Title: First field sent to carbon must be the host name
Component: cmc
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
This corrects a regression in 2.1 where the first field
sent over the Carbon correction was erroneouly set to
the name of the service instead of the name of the host.
ID: 14130
Title: Clarify "Check DNS service"
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Previously, the parameter <tt>DNS Server</tt> of <tt>Check DNS service</tt> rule was optional.
Moreover, the options <tt>this host</tt> and <tt>default DNS Server</tt> would both do the same:
They would use the default DNS server(s) specified inside of /etc/resolve.conf. With this werk, the
option <tt>this host</tt> now (again) will use the address of the host on which the service is
generated. Secondly, the rule has been reworked to be more concise.
Intervention is necessary if
<li>you have explicitely set the DNS Server to <tt>this host</tt> and</li>
<li>want your site to operate in the same fashion as before.</li>
In this case, you can set the option <tt>DNS Server</tt> to <tt>Use the default DNS server(s)
specified in /etc/resolv.conf</tt>.
ID: 14034
Title: Fix high disk IO in linux agent
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The systemd check caused high IO load, when querying service status.
This has been fixed. No action requried.
ID: 14321
Title: Fix possible TypeError when using views with group painter
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Opening of views with group painters (Option "Grouping" on view edit page)
could result in the error "TypeError: <lambda>() takes 2 positional arguments
but 3 were given".
ID: 14131
Title: KUBE: Handle Pods without QoS class
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Previously, the Kubernetes agent would crash with the error message
[special_kube] Agent exited with code 1: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
With this werk, this crash no longer occurs.