ID: 10754
Title: Remove failed notifications immediately
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
Failed notifications are now removed immediately
from the Tactical Overview when they are confirmed.
This bug only affected users without replication to
remote sites. If your profile is synchronized with
at least one remote site you were not affected by
this bug.
ID: 10923
Title: Monitor Active Alarms of Silver Peak VX6000
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
New check plugin to monitor active alarms of Silver Peak's VX6000 WAN Optimization software.
ID: 10902
Title: ucd_mem: Updated check to query more values
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
Updated SNMP check for monitoring the Memory and Swap for devices using the UCD-MIB.
For example for Dell EMC ECS (cloud storage system) get now discoverd.
The check monitors a more generalized range of devices which are not vendor specific.
ID: 10900
Title: ucd_cpu_util: Updated check to query more values for CPU utilization
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
Updated SNMP check for monitoring the CPU utilization for devices using the UCD-MIB.
For example for Dell EMC ECS (cloud storage system) get now discoverd.
The check monitors a more generalized range of devices which are not vendor specific.
The two values for 'ssCpuRawKernel' and 'ssCpuRawInterrup' do no longer get queried from the SNMP host,
since the data is already included into the 'ssCpuRawSystem' value.
ID: 10985
Title: systemd_units: Fix single service discovery
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.7.0i1
In the ruleset {{Systemd Single Services Discovery}} you can configure
{{Descriptions}}, {{Service unit names}} or {{States}}. If no {{States}} are
configured but {{Descriptions}} or {{Service unit names}} Checkmk does not
discover any service. All three parameters are optional. Checkmk should
discover services if at least one entry matches. This has been fixed.
ID: 10899
Title: ucd_diskio: new disk IO check
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
New SNMP check for monitoring the disk IO for devices using the UCD-MIB.
For example for Dell EMC ECS (cloud storage system).
The check monitors a more generalized range of devices which are not vendor specific.
ID: 11008
Title: hp_proliant: Added support for HP storeeasy for all hp_proliant checks
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
ID: 10956
Title: Monitoring of Pulse Secure appliances
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
This werk introduces monitoring of CPU utilization, memory utilization,
disk utilization, temperature and log file usage for Pulse Secure
ID: 10875
Title: Services: Escape service details equal to status views
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.7.0i1
The service details (aka plugin output) was escaped in an unusual way
on the service discovery page. It allowed some tags to be rendered
without escaping (internally known as permissive encoding).
Even if it was not really problematic, at least it confused users. So now the
escaping is done the same way as in the status views.
ID: 10946
Title: jira_issues: Fixed possible multiple creation of issues
Component: Notifications
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.7.0i1
If the same Host/Service ID occurs, e.g. if you replay a notification, an issue
for the same problem could be created again. This has been fixed.