Title: Crash on missing thread count on AIX
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1709129579
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.1.0p41
You're affected if you want to monitor your CPU and the cpu check crashes with something like:
File "/omd/sites/YOURSITE/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins/agent_based/cpu.py", line 48, in parse_cpu
ValueError (invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')
We saw this happening on AIX system when the ps information cannot be obtained due to low memory.
The parsing is now more resilient against such missing data.
Title: heartbeat_crm_resources: unmanaged stopped resources could not go critical
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1706189999
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p24
Stopped resources are marked <code>CRIT</code>.
If a resources was stopped and unmanaged, it was not marked as <code>CRIT</code>.
Title: Fix "State if specific check plugins receive no monitoring data" of Rule "Status of the Checkmk service"
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1706532543
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p24
Rule "Status of the Checkmk service" provides a setting called "State if
specific check plugins receive no monitoring data" where you can specify a
regular expression to match specific check plugins, and assign a status for
the "Check_MK" service if this check plugins receives no data.
The feature did work correctly if you specified a Status worse than "WARN".
But the "Check_MK" service went to "WARN" even if there was an rule to set the
status to "OK" if the specific section did not receive any data. This is fixed now.
Title: Reduce context/search filter for "Metrics graph of a single service"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: reporting
Date: 1709025058
Edition: cee
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p24
Since 2.2 the content element "Metrics graph of a single service" allowed to
configure multiple context/search filters.
This was wrong because this element is limited to e specific host and service.
This change should have no effect on your configuration but we recommend to
check reports with such content elements.
Werk 16238 was adapted. The following is the new Werk, a diff is shown at the end of the message.
Title: Add m7i.large as aws resource type
Class: feature
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1709038229
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p24
You're affected if your aws_ec2_limits check reported "Unknown resource" and you're using "m7i.large".
The aws resource names are changing from time to time and we will need to find a more stable solution for that in the future.
But for now, this will be fixed by adding the resource name "m7i.large" to our internal list of aws resources.
Title: Add m7i.large as aws resource type
Class: feature
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1709038229
Edition: cre
Level: 1
- Version: 2.2.0p23
? ^
+ Version: 2.2.0p24
? ^
You're affected if your aws_ec2_limits check reported "Unknown resource" and you're using "m7i.large".
The aws resource names are changing from time to time and we will need to find a more stable solution for that in the future.
But for now, this will be fixed by adding the resource name "m7i.large" to our internal list of aws resources.
Title: Crash on missing thread count on AIX
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1709129579
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p24
You're affected if you want to monitor your CPU and the cpu check crashes with something like:
File "/omd/sites/YOURSITE/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins/agent_based/cpu.py", line 48, in parse_cpu
ValueError (invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')
We saw this happening on AIX system when the ps information cannot be obtained due to low memory.
The parsing is now more resilient against such missing data.
Title: Fix failed expiration date check while license verification
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: wato
Date: 1709130387
Edition: cce
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p23
If you encounter "[Error] Certificate is expired" on the licensing page please
run verification again.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Reduce context/search filter for "Metrics graph of a single service"
key | value
---------- | ---
compatible | no
version | 2.4.0b1
date | 2024-02-27T09:10:58+00:00
level | 1
class | fix
component | reporting
edition | cee
Since 2.2 the content element "Metrics graph of a single service" allowed to
configure multiple context/search filters.
This was wrong because this element is limited to e specific host and service.
This change should have no effect on your configuration but we recommend to
check reports with such content elements.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Crash on missing thread count on AIX
key | value
---------- | ---
compatible | yes
version | 2.4.0b1
date | 2024-02-28T14:12:59+00:00
level | 1
class | fix
component | checks
edition | cre
You're affected if you want to monitor your CPU and the cpu check crashes with something like:
File "/omd/sites/YOURSITE/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins/agent_based/cpu.py", line 48, in parse_cpu
ValueError (invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')
We saw this happening on AIX system when the ps information cannot be obtained due to low memory.
The parsing is now more resilient against such missing data.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# metrics: allow dots in metric ids
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-02-28T08:35:14+00:00
version | 2.4.0b1
class | fix
edition | cre
component | rest-api
level | 1
compatible | yes
Before this Werk, the REST API was not able to access metrics named after IP addresses. This Werk fixes that and allows user to access metrics containing dots on the id