ID: 1482
Title: Fix exception when editing a visual of type single host group
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i7
Context editor was broken, because there were two filters with the
same HTML variable name <tt>hostgroup</tt>. This has been fixed
by renaming the name of the host group selection filter to <tt>host_group</tt>.
ID: 1199
Title: climaveneta_alarm: New check to display the alarm states on Climaveneta devcies
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i7
ID: 1168
Title: HTML mails can now be configured to display graphs among each other
Component: Notifications
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i7
By default all graphs are displayed besides eachother, trying to fill
horizontally as much space as possible. Now you can configure the mail
notifications to display the graphs among each other by setting the
notification parmeter.
ID: 1480
Title: brocade_vdx_status: disable check on some devices that do not support it
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i7
Thanks to Oleg Roitburd.
ID: 1198
Title: climaveneta_fan: New check for FAN speed on climaveneta devices
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i7
ID: 1479
Title: liveproxyd: new function for collecting remote inventory data
Component: HW/SW-Inventory
Level: 2
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i7
The Livestatus Proxy Daemon has now a new function for collecting HW/SW-Data
from remote sites. This needs up-to-date versions of Nagios or CMC on these
sites, otherwise the proxy daemon will fail to consider these sites as up! So
if you update the liveproxd you also need to update your remote sites!
Note: The new feature only works in OMD based installations. After updating
all sites to the new version, HW/SW-Inventory data collected on remote
sites that are connected via liveproxyd will automatically be transferred
to the central site.
ID: 1167
Title: citrix_license/esx_license: Can now be configured to always show OK as state
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i7
ID: 1197
Title: climaveneta_temp: New check for temperature sensors on Climaveneta clima devices
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i7
ID: 1166
Title: Also prevting stylesheet update issues during version updates (just like for JS files)
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i7