ID: 6693
Title: Background Jobs no longer slow down when there is a large amount of log output
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
ID: 6694
Title: Increased performance of user profile synchronization between sites
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
User profiles may now be synchronized in bulks.
ID: 6941
Title: mk_logwatch.aix: Don't clear systems error log
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
The systems error log (errpt) is no longer cleared ("errclear 0").
Previously the errorlog has been cleared after each run of the plugin,
and a backup file of the error log has been created as
This is no longer the case, as a less intrusive way to avoid
redundant log messages has been established.
ID: 6916
Title: Fixed display of incorrectly quoted commands in classic SNMP verbose output
Component: Core & setup
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
The executed commands, e.g. when doing SNMP walks or get commands were quoted correctly.
Only the output on the console was writing out incorrectly quoted arguments.
ID: 6692
Title: Liveproxy Daemon: Unreachable remote sites still caused a connection timeout
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
One job of the liveproxyd is to decrease the response timeout for dead sites.
This feature did not work as expected. A client trying to connect to a dead slave site
always had at least a <tt>Timeout waiting for free channel</tt> timeout.
ID: 6815
Title: HW/SW Inventory history: Fixed delta tree computation
Component: HW/SW Inventory
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
Previously the delta tree of two numerations was computed in two
different ways:
<li>If the numerations had the same length then we assumed
that each row corresponds the other one with the same index.</li>
<li>If the numerations had different length then we tried to find
corresponding rows which were compared.</li>
This might have led to wrong results regarding the <i>new</i>,
<i>changed</i> and <i>removed</i> columns on the inventory history
page. Either there might be wrong detected or not detected changes.
There are two numerations with same rows. If a new row is added ahead
to the current numeration and the last row disappears of the current
numeration then both numerations have still the same length.
Above algorithm compared the rows with the same index and the result
is that there are a lot of changed entries. But there is just one new
row and one removed row.
Now we act the following way:
<li>First we extract all identical rows.</li>
<li>Then the remaining rows from the old numeration are added to
removed rows if there are no remaining rows from the current numeration resp.</li>
<li>the remaining rows from the current numeration are added to
removed rows if there are no remaining rows from the old numeration.</li>
If there are remaining rows from both numerations then we do the following:
<li>If the remaining numerations have the same length then we assume
that each row corresponds the other one with the same index.</li>
<li>If the remaining numerations have different length then we simply
add the remaining rows from the old numeration to removed rows and the
remaining rows from the current numeration to new rows.</li>
ID: 6915
Title: IPMI Management board: Fixed random "Session no longer connected" message
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
The Check_MK service of hosts that have a IPMI based management board configured could
randomly result in an UNKNOWN state with the error message "Session no longer connected".
This was a result of unstable connections to the IPMI boards which should now be handled
in a more stable way.
ID: 6897
Title: juniper_gbp_state: Add IPv6 support
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
Previously the juniper_bgp_state check supported IPv4 addresses only.
This werk adds support for IPv6 addresses.
ID: 6691
Title: LDAP sync: Sped up user profile synchronization to slave sites
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
The background job doing the user synchronization contacted one site after
another when updating the credentials for one user.
This werk changes the update mechanism. It now pushes the updated profile
to all sites at once through multithreading.