Title: agent_gcp: reduced query rate
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1711370607
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p26
An exception was sometimes raised for an excessive frequency of queries to the GCP API.
The agent now queries the GCP API once per metric.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# agent_gcp: reduced query rate
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-03-25T12:43:27+00:00
version | 2.4.0b1
class | fix
edition | cre
component | checks
level | 1
compatible | yes
An exception was sometimes raised for an excessive frequency of queries to the GCP API.
The agent now queries the GCP API once per metric.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Dashboard element "Site overview": enable larger hexagon rendering
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-04-24T06:56:55+00:00
version | 2.4.0b1
class | feature
edition | cee
component | multisite
level | 1
compatible | yes
In the properties of the dashboard element "Site overview" users can now set the "Maximum hexagon size" to either "Default" or "Large". Rendering large hexagons can be useful when displaying the dashboard element on a large screen, as e.g. on a wall monitor.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Pure Storage FlashArray: Devices with status 'not_installed' will now have an OK state
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-04-28T17:04:15+00:00
version | 2.4.0b1
class | fix
edition | cre
component | checks
level | 1
compatible | yes
Devices with a reported status of 'not_installed' previously caused the check state to be CRIT.
This behaviour has now been changed. These devices will now have an OK state.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Bi: service/host_label group operator now has a default operator key "and"
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-04-29T11:10:04+00:00
version | 2.4.0b1
class | fix
edition | cre
component | rest-api
level | 1
compatible | yes
When creating Bi rules via the REST-API, the host_label_groups and
the service_label_groups fields both accepted a list of conditions.
These conditions previously required an operator field. However,
we realized that the operator field for the first item in these lists
really wasn't needed and had no affect. So that the user doesn't have
to provide this value, we have now added a default value for all
conditions in this list of "and".
Werk 16274 was adapted. The following is the new Werk, a diff is shown at the end of the message.
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.1.0p38
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
sed -i 's|\\x00|\\\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.1.0p38
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
- sed -i 's|\x00|\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
+ sed -i 's|\\x00|\\\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
? + ++
Title: infoblox_temp: Add support for Nios version > 8.6
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1714114586
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p26
The relevant OIDs have changed for newer Nios versions. The check now differentiates between the different version, meaning the check does not crash anymore when parsing newer sections.
Werk 16274 was adapted. The following is the new Werk, a diff is shown at the end of the message.
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p18
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
sed -i 's|\\x00|\\\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p18
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
- sed -i 's|\x00|\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
+ sed -i 's|\\x00|\\\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
? + ++