Title: SLA alert levels: show CRIT state if SLA alerts levels are CRIT but SLA not broken yet
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: multisite
Date: 1725012432
Edition: cee
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p33
When configuring SLA alerts levels only the WARN state was shown in a view,
in case the alert levels for warning have been reached.
The CRIT alerts levels were shown as OK as long as the SLA was not broken.
Now this already shows up as CRIT, even though the SLA is not yet broken.
Title: Support Diagnostics: Fix data collected about the CPU
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: wato
Date: 1725004566
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p33
Prior to this werk, the information collected about the number of CPUs
was missing. Only the number of logical processors and CPU cores was
included. This is now fixed.
Title: SLA alerts levels: show full precision instead of no decimal places
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: multisite
Date: 1724764122
Edition: cee
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p33
SLA alerts levels now show the full precision configured in the SLA rather instead
of no decimal places.
The calculated results of how much SLA is left are still configured within the
view with the <code>Precision of float values</code> option.
Title: Support Diagnostics: Add rotated log files to the dump
Class: feature
Compatible: compat
Component: wato
Date: 1724933536
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p33
With this werk, it's possible to select rotated logfiles for the dump, for example update.log and update.log.1
In the "Pack only xyz sensitivity files" and "Pack all files" modes, both are are added automatically.
In the "Select individual files from the list" mode, the user can select them separately.
Background: In rare cases, the .log files were empty, because the logging process still wrote into the .log.1 file.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# SLA alert levels: show CRIT state if SLA alerts levels are CRIT but SLA not broken yet
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-08-30T10:07:12+00:00
version | 2.3.0p14
class | fix
edition | cee
component | multisite
level | 1
compatible | yes
When configuring SLA alerts levels only the WARN state was shown in a view,
in case the alert levels for warning have been reached.
The CRIT alerts levels were shown as OK as long as the SLA was not broken.
Now this already shows up as CRIT, even though the SLA is not yet broken.
Werk 16997 was deleted. The following Werk is no longer relevant.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# NagVis: Updated to 1.9.43
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-08-30T07:45:48+00:00
version | 2.3.0p14
class | fix
edition | cre
component | packages
level | 1
compatible | yes
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Support Diagnostics: Fix data collected about the CPU
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-08-30T07:56:06+00:00
version | 2.3.0p14
class | fix
edition | cre
component | wato
level | 1
compatible | yes
Prior to this werk, the information collected about the number of CPUs
was missing. Only the number of logical processors and CPU cores was
included. This is now fixed.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# SLA alerts levels: show full precision instead of no decimal places
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-08-27T13:08:42+00:00
version | 2.3.0p14
class | fix
edition | cee
component | multisite
level | 1
compatible | yes
SLA alerts levels now show the full precision configured in the SLA rather instead
of no decimal places.
The calculated results of how much SLA is left are still configured within the
view with the `Precision of float values` option.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Support Diagnostics: Add rotated log files to the dump
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2024-08-29T12:12:16+00:00
version | 2.3.0p14
class | feature
edition | cre
component | wato
level | 1
compatible | yes
With this werk, it's possible to select rotated logfiles for the dump, for example update.log and update.log.1
In the "Pack only xyz sensitivity files" and "Pack all files" modes, both are are added automatically.
In the "Select individual files from the list" mode, the user can select them separately.
Background: In rare cases, the .log files were empty, because the logging process still wrote into the .log.1 file.