ID: 3728
Title: Automatically creating automation user for Check_MK internal use with WATO default config
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.4.0i1
We are adding now a default automation user named <i>cmkautomation</i> to Check_MK with the
WATO default configuration. This user will currently only be added to new sites, but may be
added to existing sites in future, too.
The user has the administrative role to be able to access all hosts and do all actions. The
authentication secret is randomly created for each site. In distributed setups the authentication
secret will be synchronized from the central site.
The idea of this user is, that components of Check_MK can automatically authenticate with
the Web GUI using an always existing user. This is currently not used, but may be used for
the internal cron job, fetching of graphs and performing checks against the GUI.
If you don't like this user, you are free to disable or delete it. But this may lead to issues
in future when we start using the user for internal things.
ID: 3726
Title: Web API: Fixed default output format - using JSON as intended
Component: WATO
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.4.0i1
The WATO Web API was using Python as default output format since version
1.2.8b8 and commit 36142e6d, which was not intended.
The Web API is able to output JSON and Python formated data, which can be
toggled using the variable <tt>output_format=json</tt> or
<tt>output_format=python</tt>. The default has now been changed back to
be JSON.
In case you created scripts against this API since 1.2.8b8, did not use
a JSON parser to load the data and used something like <tt>eval()</tt>
in Python instead, you will have to change your scripts. You can either
add the variable <tt>output_format=python</tt> or replace your <tt>eval()</tt>
with <tt>json.loads()</tt> in Python.
ID: 3725
Title: mssql_instance: Changed MSSQL monitoring to report connection issues with only one service
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.4.0i1
The MSSQL monitoring has been reworked to have one single service per database instance that
reports connection issues like a stopped database. This is done by the <tt>mssql_instance</tt>
All other MSSQL checks have been reworked to become <i>stale</i> in case there is a connection
issue and no data is present.
As a result you will only receive one notification and see only the relevant issue in the GUI
in case an instance goes down.
To make this work you will have to update the <tt>mssql.vbs</tt> agent plugin on all your
database servers.
ID: 3723
Title: Mobile GUI: Don't mix classic and mobile GUI when choosing classic on mobile device
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.4.0i1
ID: 3736
Title: New option for discontinuing counting on open event after configured time
Component: Event Console
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.4.0i1
In the {{Counting}} section of a rule the Event Console has now a new option
{{Discontinue counting after time as elapsed}}. Normally new messages matching
an existing open event that is configured for counting will simply increase
the counter and not open a new event.
When you activate the new option you can limit this phase to a certain
duration, e.g. to 10 minutes. Any messages arriving 10 minutes after the
first matching message will then open a new event instead of just increasing
the counter of the existing one.