Checkmk werks level1 August 2016
  • 7 participants
  • 75 discussions

Check_MK Werk 3867: filter 'Servicegroup (Regex)' can be negated
by Simon Betz
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3866: f5_bigip_cluster_failover: new check which monitors the cluster failover status of F5 BigIP devices
by Simon Betz
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3647: check_http: Improved rendering of the extended performance data
by Sven Panne
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3865: oracle_sessions: now relative levels for sessions are configurable
by Simon Betz
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3797: Check_MK Check helpers: Decreased memory consumption in distributed setups
by Andreas Boesl
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3796: agent_vsphere: new option allows monitoring of ESX hostsystem and windows agent
by Andreas Boesl
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3834: hitachi_hus_dku, hitachi_hus_dkc: now recognises Hitachi G800/HM800 devices
by Marcel Arentz
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3864: tactical overview now shows the number of stale hosts and services
by Simon Betz
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3795: cisco_cpu_multiitem: monitors the cpu utilization of each cpu
by Andreas Boesl
8 years

Check_MK Werk 3794: f5_bigip_snat: now able to configure levels
by Andreas Boesl
8 years
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