ID: 0191
Title: Added swp files to the ignore list for the WATO git feature
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i6
Wato does not longer try to add swap files created by vim when editing the config manual and activate
changes in the same time.
ID: 0190
Title: docsis_signal_quality: New Check to monitor Signal Qualtiy on Devices with DOCSIS MIB
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i6
ID: 0189
Title: docsis_channels: Support for Frequency of Downstream Channels for Devices with DOCSIS MIB
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i6
ID: 1093
Title: windows agent: performance counter can now be specified by name
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i6
It is no longer required to set a performance counter id in the <tt>check_mk.ini</tt> file
counters = 10332:msx_queues
You can now use the counter name instead
counters = MSExchangeTransport Queues:msx_queues
<b>Note:</b> Keep in mind that this name depends on you system language.<br>
If available, the windows agent tries to find the counter name in the registry key.<br>
<tt>SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib\\CurrentLanguage</tt><br>
If this key is missing, the english language key is used as fallback<br>
<tt>SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib\\009</tt>
ID: 0188
Title: touchstone_cable_modem_frequency: New check for line frequency in Mhz
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i6
ID: 1068
Title: livedump: Added optional check interval (detect staleness) / option to encrypt mails
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i6
Added a new option "-i" to livedump to make the check_interval of the hosts / services
configurable. When this is set the staleness detection on the destination system works.
Added option to use AES encrypted messages with livedump-mail-fetch. Added a short
documentation to the livedump README for details.