Title: SIGNL4: better support of service alerting and two-way status updates
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: notifications
Date: 1698405465
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
Title: win_os: Add HW/SW inventory field 'version'
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1698134267
Edition: cre
Knowledge: undoc
Level: 1
State: unknown
Version: 2.1.0p36
For Windows hosts we use the 'caption' field for the HW/SW inventory 'version'
field but without the prefix 'Microsoft', eg.:
'Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard' -> 'Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard'
Title: REST API bi: Do not update config generation when retrieving BI aggregations status
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: rest-api
Date: 1698140022
Edition: cre
Knowledge: undoc
Level: 1
State: unknown
Version: 2.1.0p36
Prior to this Werk, when calling the endpoint to get the BI aggregations status, it incremented the configuration generation number. This Werk fixes that problem and now the endpoint does not update the configuration generation number.
Title: mk_oracle: Bring back reporting of failed cached commands
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1698343197
Edition: cre
Knowledge: doc
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p13
This fixes the reporting of failed cached commands of the plugin <tt>mk_oracle</tt>.
A regression in 2.2.0p12 caused those to not be reported.
Title: host_tag_group: restrict ident to same pattern as in UI
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: rest-api
Date: 1698323057
Edition: cre
Knowledge: undoc
Level: 1
State: unknown
Version: 2.2.0p13
Prior to this werk, the allowed string pattern for the host tag group id
differed to the pattern allowed in the UI. This werk adjusts the pattern
allowed in the REST API to match the one in the UI.
Title: REST API bi: Do not update config generation when retrieving BI aggregations status
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: rest-api
Date: 1698140022
Edition: cre
Knowledge: undoc
Level: 1
State: unknown
Version: 2.2.0p13
Prior to this Werk, when calling the endpoint to get the BI aggregations status, it incremented the configuration generation number. This Werk fixes that problem and now the endpoint does not update the configuration generation number.