ID: 2779
Title: Fix moving of folders
Component: WATO
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.7i4
This fixes the error message <i>Cannot move folder: A folder with this name
already exists in the target folder.</i>
ID: 2803
Title: netapp_api_volumes: clustered volumes now longer show the current node name in the service description
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4
Previously, the volume checks went UNKNOWN on a cluster failover.
The service description for clustered volumes has changed from <i>"{node}.{volume_name}"</i> to <i>"{volume_name}"</i>.
ID: 2841
Title: emcvnx_writecache: the check monitors the write cache state of the storage processors of an EMC VNX Storage System
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4
ID: 2865
Title: fortigate_memory_base: added check for fortigate firewall memory usage
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4
The fortigate_memory check uses data provided by a more "generic" fortinet mib, this one uses the
fortigate mib. Apparently a device provides only one of the two mibs so there shouldn't be a
ID: 2840
Title: barracuda_mail_latency, barracuda_mailqueues, barracuda_system_cpu_util: new checks for Barracuda SPAM Firewall Appliance
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4
These checks monitor the active and deferred mail queues, the mail latency and the system cpu utilization
of a Barrcuda SPAM Firewall Appliance.
Moreover the barracuda_mailqueues check reports the incoming and daily sent mails.
ID: 2838
Title: raritan_px_outlets: monitors the voltage, current, power, apparent power and energy of Raritan PX Devices
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4