Title: agents: Key ID now shown in the agent signature keys table
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: agents
Date: 1696234593
Edition: cre
Knowledge: doc
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
This werk addresses an issue with the agent signature keys table.
Previously, the only way you could get the key id of a signature key
was to hover over the download icon. We now show the key ID as a new
column in the table.
Title: mk_postgres: addition of option to specify instance name
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: core
Date: 1690981131
Edition: cre
Knowledge: doc
Level: 1
State: unknown
Version: 2.3.0b1
The migration of the postgres_instances check plugin to the new CheckAPI broke the discovery
mechanism of the plugin as it previously allowed an instance to have no specified name. This
werk introduces the option to specify an explicit name for an instance. The mk_postgres plugin
is adjusted accordingly and raises an error if the name cannot be inferred from .env file. To
benefit from this change and also resolve the error, the user should adjust or bake the config
file again and roll out the newly adapted plugin.
Title: Fix possible "Request-URI Too Long" on rule search
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: wato
Date: 1695969377
Edition: cre
Knowledge: doc
Level: 1
State: unknown
Version: 2.3.0b1
If you used a lot of tags, the links of the results of the page menu entry
"Search" - "Refine search" could lead to the error "Request-URI Too Long".