ID: 14900
Title: Make "Customize views" options more understandable
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.2.0i1
This werk adjusts the menu entries in "Display" when viewing views.
Until now it was not really visible to users if they edited views of other users
(this needs the permission "Edit foreign views").
The menu entries, shown if you visit a view, were adjusted as follows:
* "Clone builtin view" for builtin views
* "Edit my view" for customized views of the current user
* "Clone view" for views of other users (without permission "Edit foreign views")
* "Edit view of user X" and "Clone view" for views of other users (with permission)
The last mentioned example should give users the option to optional make a copy
of the current view instead of editing the view of another user.
ID: 14828
Title: Docker agent plugin: Handle race conditions caused by removed containers
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
As of this werk, the docker agent plugin handles the following two race conditions:
LI: Removal of a container exactly at the time when the agent plugin attempts to query container statistics (CPU usage etc.). Before this werk, depending on the docker version, the plugin crashed with either <tt>requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError</tt> or <tt>json.decoder.JSONDecodeError</tt>.
LI: For old docker versions only (eg. 1.31): Removal of a container in between querying the list of containers on the target system and subsequently querying the individual containers. For newer docker versions, the agent plugin already handled this race condition before this werk.
Note that users have to update the agent plugin on affected systems in order to benefit from this
ID: 14634
Title: cpu_load: Check plugin used to crash if the number of cpus was 0
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The check plugin used to crash if the number of cpus was 0.
Now, if that is the case, it assumed that the number of cpus is 1.
ID: 14853
Title: Add auto deleted events to history
Component: metrics
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Before this change if the number of
events reached a limit (rule or global)
they were deleted, but without an entry
in history.
Now the proper history is recorded
ID: 14879
Title: cisco: remove crashing services for cisco_cpu_multiitem & cisco_fru_module_status
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Prior to this werk, services for cisco_cpu_multiitem & cisco_fru_module_status were
wrongly discovered despite not having any relevant monitoring information. This werk
adjusts the discovery function for these services. The user should perform a service
discovery in order to remove crashing services.
ID: 14630
Title: 3par_hosts: Check plugin would crash if no FC paths or no iSCSI paths were available
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The check plugin used to crash if there were no FC paths or no iSCSI paths available in the output.
This has now been fixed.
ID: 14983
Title: Extension packages: "Internal error: Package is not enabled"
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
This fixes a regression in Checkmk versions 2.0.0p29 and Checkmk version 2.1.0p16, where after an upgrade packages could not be disabled.
ID: 14566
Title: <tt>datadog_monitors</tt>: Allow empty custom messages
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Previously, the check <tt>datadog_monitors</tt> would crash with a <tt>ValueError</tt> if there were
any Datadog monitors with an empty message. With this werk, <tt>No message</tt> is shown if the
message is empty.
ID: 14982
Title: Agent Encryption: Simplify configuration
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.2.0i1
This is the second of two Werks to simplify the configuration of the agent encryption.
The former ruleset <i>"Encryption (Linux, Windows)"</i> is split up in three rulesets:
<b>The pre-shared secret used for the OpenSSH based encryption is configured in the ruleset <i>"Symmetric encryption (Linux, Windows)"</i></b>.
This is the only parameter that is configured here. If it is set, the agent shall send encrypted data using this secret.
By default, no such encryption is applied.
This is a boiled down version of the original ruleset.
No user interaction is required when updating.
<b>The real-time check related parameters are moved to the dedicated ruleset</b>.
See <a href=''>Werk #14652</a> for details on how this is incompatible.
<b>The server side handling of (un)encrypted data is configured in the new ruleset <i>Enforce agent data encryption</i></b>.
Users can choose how to deal with unencrypted data: use it, or discard it.
This configration option is extended, as we now differentiate between TLS encryption and the OpenSSH based symmetric encryption.
TLS encrypted data is always considered to be ok, which leaves us with three options:
LI: <i>"Accept TLS encrypted connections only"</i>: All other connections are cosed, and the <i>Check_MK</i> service goes to {CRIT}. Note that by the time we notice that the connection is unencrypted, the unencrypted data is already sent over the network.
LI: <i>"Accept all types of encryption"</i>: TLS encrypted and symmetrically encrypted data is accepted. Unencrypted data is discarded, and the <i>Check_MK</i> service goes to {CRIT}.
LI: <i>"Accept all incoming data, including unencrypted"</i>: This is (and has been) the default.
During update, rules reflecting your current setup are created automatically, no user interaction is required.
Note that for users of the agent controller, the configuration of the pre-shared secret is not only unneccessary, but also counter productive:
It renders the compression implemented in the controller ineffective.
ID: 14565
Title: <tt>inv_if</tt>: Fix crash on innovaphone IP811
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Previously, the inventory plugin <tt>inv_if</tt> would crash while inventorizing interfaces on a
innovaphone IP811 with the message
Parsing of section inv_if failed
This could potentially happen on other devices, if they report 'NULL' to indicate missing values.
With this werk, interfaces with this kind of missing information are omitted.