ID: 14922
Title: Fix enforced password change with 2FA
Component: Setup
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
When a password change was forced by an administrator and the user had two-factor authentication enabled, the user was unable to login and change the password.
ID: 15046
Title: elasticsearch_cluster_health: Check plugins used to crash if there were no information about shards and tasks
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
elasticsearch_cluster_health check plugin for tasks and shards used to crash if there were no information available for the two.
This has now been fixed.
If the information is not available, the state of these services turn to UNKNOWN and provides a description that information was not found.
ID: 14903
Title: REST API: Fix when calling host status endpoint using the example in ReDocs
Component: REST API
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The werk fixes an issue with the host status endpoint when using the example found in ReDocs
or when specifying one column in the request query string.
ID: 14830
Title: Time axes of graphs: Take shifts in local time zones into account
Component: metrics
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
When rendering graphs, Checkmk computes suitable steps for the ticks on the time axis based on the
current zoom level. However, this computation did not take into account shifts in local time zones,
such as switches from European summer to European winter time.
For example, a suitable step size might be one day. Usually, this would correspond to 24 hours,
unless the local time zone shifts in between. Before this werk, Checkmk did not take such shifts
into account. In European time, this led to for example the 30th of October 2022 being shown twice
as a time axis label (since 00:00h on the 30th and 00:00h on the 31st of October 2022 are 25 hours
As of this werk, Checkmk takes such local shifts into account. Hence, eg. the 30th of October 2022
is now represented by 25 hours on the time axis and the 27th of March by 23 hours (according to the
time zone configured on the Checkmk server rendering the Checkmk UI.).
ID: 14392
Title: Consistently handle white-space in passwords
Component: Setup
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
Previously it was not possible to set user passwords starting with or ending on white-space characters in the Edit Users UI. This is now possible.
White-space characters at be beginning or end of passwords were stripped in the Edit Users interface. For example, the password "insecure example " would have been accepted by the interface, but modified to "insecure example". As a result, users might have ended up with a different password than they expected and been unable to log in.
White-spaces in passwords are now no longer stripped, so the password "insecure example " can be set and used.
Note that the user's Change Password interface, reachable via the User Profile section, was not affected by this and has already allowed passwords starting with or ending on white-space characters.
ID: 14997
Title: Fix wrong negate value for "Host Auxiliary Tags" filter
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
If a view used the filter "Host Auxiliary Tags", the selected tags always
showed the negate option as active on edit of the view.
On save this negate option would be saved, leading to unintended results in the
ID: 14993
Title: reports: Fix possible KeyError on update from 2.0 to 2.1
Component: Reporting & Availability
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
If you had reports configured in 2.0 with datasource "customer" and a customer
defined in "Context / Search Filters", the update to 2.1 showed the error
"KeyError: 'customer'".
Since the UI was unusable after that error, a possible workaroud was to search
for affected reports in ~/var/check_mk/web, e.g. with:
find . -name 'user_reports*' -exec grep -l "'context': {'customer'" {} \;
If you changed "'context': {'customer':'mycustomer'}" in the found files to
"'context': {}" and deleted the cache file
~/tmp/check_mk/visuals_cache/cached_reports, the UI was usable again und you
could configure the customer in the report again.
ID: 14788
Title: Regression in unexpected keyword argument 'ignore_removed'
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
If you're using and the python docker library in version < v3.3.0, you're affected by this since werk #14864.
The traceback may look like:
list() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ignore_removed'
This is fixed now.
ID: 14984
Title: MKP manager commandline interface: Fix 'remove' and 'disable' commands
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The <tt>mkp remove</tt> command (or <tt>cmk -P remove</tt>) has been fixed to reflect the recent changes in the GUI.
You can only remove <i>disabled</i> packages.
The 'disable' command to do this was intruced with 2.0.0p30, but defunct.
It is now fixed.
Since you can have different versions of the same package uploaded, you have to specify the version as well now:
<tt>mkp remove NAME VERSION</tt>
ID: 12524
Title: CME: Allow two custom logo uploads
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.2.0i1
Instead of only one logo for both the login mask and the navigation bar, admins of a CME installation can now upload two separate logos, with different size restrictions for the two differnt UI places.
The login logo is restricted to 120px width and 36px height, the navigation bar logo is restricted to 48px width and 48px height.
When updating from an earlier version without this change, any custom logos are removed.