Checkmk werks level1 August 2017
  • 9 participants
  • 59 discussions

Check_MK Werk 5139: Fixed baked agent download page when user had no global bakery permissions
by Andreas Boesl
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5169: LDAP: Fixed syncing contact groups / roles of users with special characters in their name
by Lars Michelsen
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5027: Made communication with alert helper more robust.
by Sven Panne
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5168: Fixed highlighting of rules when searching for ineffective rules
by Lars Michelsen
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5057: Fixed cancelling events by "syslog application" when using similar rules
by Lars Michelsen
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5056: WATO: Wrong list of groups shown on user edit page when syncing groups via LDAP
by Lars Michelsen
7 years

Check_MK Werk 4860: mailman_lists: fixed path of python modules for some operating systems
by Marcel Schulte
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5055: quantum_libsmall_door: Fixed exception in scan function when . is not available
by Lars Michelsen
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5138: CME: fixed site snapshot creation when there are users with umlauts
by Andreas Boesl
7 years

Check_MK Werk 5054: SNMPv3 contextes were not always used during discovery
by Lars Michelsen
7 years
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