ID: 0889
Title: logwatch: fix case where rule wouldn't be applied
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i3
If you are using CMC core <tt>cmk -v</tt> on the commandline and
had inventorized the checks by a newer version of Check_MK then the
reclassification patterns of logwatch would not work. This has been
fixed. The reason was that the inventory now correctly sets <tt>None</tt>
as a parameter whereas older versions used an empty string.
ID: 0603
Title: cmciii checks: more general scan function plus perf-o-meters for humidity and temperature checks
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i3
ID: 0757
Title: Linux multipath check can now use the alias instead of the UUID as item
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 2
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i3
If you have set useful aliasses for you Linux multipath devices then you can
now have Check_MK use these instead of the UUIDs for the service description.
This makes alerting, BI aggregates and other stuff easier. The configuration
is via a new rule set <i>Linux Multipath Inventory</i>. If you are now using
WATO then please refer to the check's man page for details.
ID: 0829
Title: oracle_tablespaces: improved formatting of levels text in check output
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i3
If you configure percentage levels within WATO the check will display them
as percentage in the check output, as well. Previously these values were always
displayed as bytes
ID: 0789
Title: oracle_tablespaces: fixed bug when using dynamic filesystem levels
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i3
The check did not process the dynamic levels correctly.
If there was a rule with dynamic filesystem levels, e.g.
<li>1 TB - 5%/2% free</li>
<li>500 GB - 6%/3% free</li>
<li>200 GB - 10%/4% free</li>
<li>500 MB - 20%/15% free</li>
and the filesystems size was 700GB, the levels of the 500 MB rule were actually used.
ID: 0788
Title: oracle_tablespaces: now able to bear None values as warn/crit levels
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i3
The levels in the oracle_tablespaces parameters could be set to None
if dynamic levels were used, but the filesystem was not within the limits
of the dynamic levels.
This caused an invalid check output.