ID: 0767
Title: Signing and verification of WATO snapshot (addresses CVE-2014-2330)
Component: WATO
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i2
This change addresses possible attacks against Check_MK using the WATO "Backup & Restore" module,
known as CVE-2014-2330.
In previous versions there were no checksum verifications or signings of the snapshots contents
implemented. This has been changed now. The files within the snapshot which contain Check_MK
configuration files and definitions of check commands etc. are now verified using checksums and
When you import / export a snapshot on a single site, there is no difference to the former handling.
When you or someone else modifies the snapshots between import and export, the restore process will
warn you about the modification and let you decide if you trust the file and restore it anyways or
terminate the restore process.
In the case you import a snapshot from another site, the singing can not be verified. In this case,
you get a warning about this and can continue or skip the restore process.