ID: 14982
Title: Agent Encryption: Simplify configuration
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.2.0i1
This is the second of two Werks to simplify the configuration of the agent encryption.
The former ruleset <i>"Encryption (Linux, Windows)"</i> is split up
in three rulesets:
<b>The pre-shared secret used for the OpenSSH based encryption is configured in the
ruleset <i>"Symmetric encryption (Linux, Windows)"</i></b>.
This is the only parameter that is configured here. If it is set, the agent shall send
encrypted data using this secret.
By default, no such encryption is applied.
This is a boiled down version of the original ruleset.
No user interaction is required when updating.
<b>The real-time check related parameters are moved to the dedicated
See <a
href=''>Werk #14652</a> for
details on how this is incompatible.
<b>The server side handling of (un)encrypted data is configured in the new ruleset
<i>Enforce agent data encryption</i></b>.
Users can choose how to deal with unencrypted data: use it, or discard it.
This configration option is extended, as we now differentiate between TLS encryption and
the OpenSSH based symmetric encryption.
TLS encrypted data is always considered to be ok, which leaves us with three options:
LI: <i>"Accept TLS encrypted connections only"</i>: All other
connections are cosed, and the <i>Check_MK</i> service goes to {CRIT}. Note
that by the time we notice that the connection is unencrypted, the unencrypted data is
already sent over the network.
LI: <i>"Accept all types of encryption"</i>: TLS encrypted and
symmetrically encrypted data is accepted. Unencrypted data is discarded, and the
<i>Check_MK</i> service goes to {CRIT}.
LI: <i>"Accept all incoming data, including unencrypted"</i>: This
is (and has been) the default.
During update, rules reflecting your current setup are created automatically, no user
interaction is required.
Note that for users of the agent controller, the configuration of the pre-shared secret is
not only unneccessary, but also counter productive:
It renders the compression implemented in the controller ineffective.