ID: 16077
Title: Agent Bakery: Leftover packages of non-agent hosts
Component: agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0p33
No agent should be assigned to a host when the <i>Checkmk agent / API
host property is configured to <i>No API integrations, no Checkmk agent</i>.
Additionally, whenever a hosts is reconfigured to not being monitored by an agent any
the agent package must be unassigned from this host on next agent bakery call.
Previously, the agent bakery failed to follow these rules, while a slighly different
can be observed for different versions:
In Checkmk 2.0 and Checkmk 2.1, leftover assignments to agent packages aren't cleaned
In Checkmk 2.1 and Checkmk 2.2, it's possible to assign agent packages to non-agent
when explicitly called with a host selection.
This happens when baking agents for exlicit hosts on the commandline, and when adding new
hosts via Setup, since the agent bakery automatically creates agents for new hosts.
With this Werk, the agent bakery will follow the mentioned desired behavior.