ID: 14960
Title: MRPE/Windows: Support caching interval
Component: agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
The configuration of MRPE checks (legacy Nagios remote plugins) includes an option
to specify a caching interval for asynchronous plugin execution.
While this option has always been available, it did only apply to MRPE checks deployed
with UNIX agents, and was ignored for the Windows agent.
Starting with this Werk, a specified caching interval will also have effect on Windows.
To configure an interval, you have the two options:
LI: Specify it within a check definition at the <tt>mrpe</tt> section at the
file in the form of <tt>check = (interval=<i>INTERVAL</i>)
<i>COMMAND</i><br>. A config reload is required
after editing the file.
LI: Optionally select and enter it at the agent ruleset "Execute MRPE checks".
Already configured rulesets
will start to work after baking and updating/deploying agents once.
Note: A comment in the <tt>check_mk.user.yml</tt> previously suggested to
specify a caching
interval in another form, that never has been applied. If you happen to have MRPE checks
configured in this deprecated format, they will now actually start to work.
However, the mentioned <tt>add_age</tt> is not supported and will be ignored.
(The cache age will always be
reported to the monitoring server.)