ID: 6969
Title: Fixed recurring flexible downtimes.
Component: cmc
Level: 2
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
Previously, the combination of "recurring" and "flexible" was broken
downtimes. The effect was that such downtimes remained hot even outside
their intended time window, so that the next occurring problem just
triggered the start of such a downtime and no problem was notified.
An example for such a scenario: A flexible host downtime was configured to
happen every day between 02:00 and 03:00 for 2 hours. Everything was OK
between 02:00 and 03:00, but at 08:15 the host went DOWN. This started the
downtime, lasting until 10:15, which is of course totally unintended: The
problem did not happen between 02:00-03:00, so the downtime should not start
and normal problem processing should be done, including notifications etc.
This has been fixed, so the recurring flexible downtimes are working as
intended now. If you update your installation, there is nothing more you
have to do, all downtimes automatically work correctly after that. If you
do not want to update yet, you should delete your recurring flexible
downtimes for now and add new recurring fixed downtimes instead as a
workaround until you update.