Title: rules: match_on items must be at least of length 1
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: rest-api
Date: 1702450037
Edition: cee
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
This werk addresses an issue found by our QA team on the
rules collection POST endpoint
The match_on field requires a list of strings but didn't
enforce any length. Previously, passing an empty string
would provoke a crash. We now enforce a minimum string
length of 1.
[//]: # (werk v2)
# User defined "PING IPv4/6" services are no longer overwritten on dual stack hosts
key | value
---------- | ---
date | 2023-12-18T13:50:29+00:00
version | 2.3.0b1
class | fix
edition | cre
component | core
level | 1
compatible | no
For a dual stack host check mk will create *PING IPv4* and *Ping IPv6* services
automatically. Those services are created by the core configuration and cannot
be deactivated. With the CMC core two *Ping IPv4/6* services would appear on the
host, the nagios core ignores the user defined service. The core configuration now
only creates the respective PING service for the main interface of the host.
If you have a user defined *Ping IPv4/6* service it will replace the old auto
generated one with the next *Activate Changes*.
Title: Avoid crash upon failure to create RRD files
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: core
Date: 1702630948
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p18
Failure to create an RRD file would generate a crash report. Now, we
generate a log entry explaining the error, without crashing.
This has no incidence on the monitoring but the data is not saved on
disk anymore.
Werk 16274 was deleted. The following Werk is no longer relevant.
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
sed -i 's|\x00|\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
[//]: # (werk v2)
# Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
key | value
--- | ---
compatible | no
version | 2.3.0b1
date | 2023-12-15T10:35:33+00:00
level | 1
class | fix
component | checks
edition | cre
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affects you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send `""` (the null-byte) as their name (`OID .`).
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with `"\x00"` (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitoring history by running
sed -i 's||\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
Title: Avoid crash upon failure to create RRD files
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: core
Date: 1702630948
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.3.0b1
Failure to create an RRD file would generate a crash report. Now, we
generate a log entry explaining the error, without crashing.
This has no incidence on the monitoring but the data is not saved on
disk anymore.
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.1.0p38
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
sed -i 's|\x00|\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*
Title: Crash of Checkmk Agent service if MRPE plugins are used
Class: fix
Compatible: compat
Component: checks
Date: 1702646733
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.1.0p38
Title: Unusable services for "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status"
Class: fix
Compatible: incomp
Component: checks
Date: 1702636533
Edition: cre
Level: 1
Version: 2.2.0p18
This fixes some unusable services of the "HPE Proliant Servers: Raid Status" plugin.
This werk only affecs you if you observe unknown "Logical device <ITEM>" services after the upgrade.
In case you are affected please run a discovery on the affected hosts and fix the monitoring history as described below.
We observed some devices to send <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the null-byte) as their name (OID .
Not all components delt well with it, leading to unacknowlegable downtimes, non matching rules and the like.
We now replace all null-bytes with <tt>"\x00"</tt> (the literal containing the four characters backslash, 'x', 'zero', 'zero').
As of Checkmk 2.3, this should in fact no longer be necessary, but as we need a backportable solution, we change the item consistently in all versions.
If this affects you, you might also want to fix the services in the monitring history by running
sed -i 's|\x00|\\x00|' var/check_mk/core/history var/check_mk/core/archive/*