ID: 12986
Title: <tt>apt</tt>: Handle Security Updates Line
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Newer versions of the Linux command <tt>apt</tt> display something like
"10 standard security updates" or "3 esm-infra security updates" if security
updates are available. Up to now, the corresponding check plugin <tt>apt</tt>
was not able to handle this line. If such a line was present, the service
"APT Updates" was not discovered or went stale if already discovered.
This has been fixed.
ID: 12979
Title: Fix "Element does not exist anymore" message in notification conditions
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
If a notification rule contained conditions for "Match hosts", a message like
"Element 'my_host' does not exist anymore" was shown within the conditions
ID: 12985
Title: Local Checks: Make Min/Max Values Truly Optional
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
As stated in the <a href="">documentation</a>,
min/max values are optional in the output of local checks. However, this
was not fully implemented. Omitting min/max values in the output, i.e.
worked, but empty values such as
resulted in
<tt>ValueError: could not convert string to float: ''</tt>
on the Checkmk server.
This has been fixed.
ID: 13024
Title: Restore SLA timeline proportions
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
The SLA timeline shows the state of a service by colored bars. Each element's
width should be in relation to the duration the service was in this state.
Before this werk, the rect representing the state had a padding, so very small
time spans where falsely enlarged to bigger blocks.
This should now be fixed.
ID: 12659
Title: Improved performance when querying lots of data
Component: Livestatus Proxy
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.1.0i1
The data serialisation/deserialisation has been improved within livestatus and the liveproxyd.
The performance improvement should be noticeable in views with a lot of data, e.g availability and the logfile history.
Tests have shown that 70MB data is now transfered three times faster.
ID: 12984
Title: Oracle RMAN Backup Monitoring in Dataguard Environments with Archivelog on Standby Side
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
In Oracle Dataguard environments where the archivelog only activated
on the standby side, the services of the check plugin <tt>oracle_rman</tt>,
which monitors the status of RMAN backups, were never discovered because
the corresponding data was missing from the output of the Oracle agent plugin.
This has been fixed on Linux, Solaris and AIX for Oracle 12.2+. Note that
you need to re-deploy the Oracle agent plugin on affected hosts.
ID: 12175
Title: Postpone notifications for passively checked objects, too.
Component: cmc
Level: 2
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Even when a host is down, we can still receive check results for passive
checks on that host, e.g. via the piggyback mechanism. Any notifications
resulting from these check results should be postponed in the normal way,
ID: 13023
Title: agent_prism: add support for multiline messages
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Before this werk the prism_alerts would crash if a message contained a line
break. Now agent_prism escapes line breaks in messages.
ID: 12977
Title: Fix UnboundLocalError on host import via CSV file
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
If you used the option "Import hosts via CSV file" on page "Setup" - "Hosts"
with option "Perform automatic service discovery" disabled, the following error
"UnboundLocalError (local variable 'folder_path' referenced before assignment)"
ID: 12927
Title: SAP HANA: Separate instance dependent fileinfo checks, ie. new checks sap_hana_fileinfo and sap_hana_fileinfo_groups
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.1.0i1
Previously fileinfo and fileinfo_groups were used for monitoring
SAP HANA files and file groups.
Now new sap_hana_fileinfo and sap_hana_fileinfo_groups checks are used
for the same purpose. The difference is that with new checks services
go to STALE when there is no data (connection to the database is lost).
This werk is marked as incompatible because historical data from the
file monitoring will be lost when new checks are used.
Run the discovery to get new sap_hana_fileinfo and sap_hana_fileinfo_groups