ID: 12941
Title: Crash on discovery for hitachi drives plugin
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.0.0p6
Unhandeled exception: list is not hashable
on discovery for the hitachi drive plugin.
ID: 12801
Title: Error when Rendering report with Availability table
Component: Reporting & Availability
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
When Rendering a report for an Availability table the
process would crash with error:
"TypeError: not expecting type '<class 'int'>'"
ID: 12302
Title: Fix cache miss in SNMP discovery
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Here we fix cache misses for SNMP data
where discovery would miss entries.
ID: 12869
Title: Fix error on commands in views with always enabled checkboxes
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
If commands where used in views with option "Always show the checkboxes"
enabled, commands failed with an error "No rows selected to perform actions
for." even if checkboxes had been selected. A workaround was, to send the
command again after using the "Back to view" link of the error message.
ID: 12301
Title: Fix cache usage for clusters
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
The cache was not used properly for clusters. This resulted
in performance problems such that, if an host was part of <i>n</i>
clusters, it would be contacted <i>n + 1</i> times. Now,
we make sure that the host is contacted a single time and that
checking for the clusters use locally cached data.
ID: 12873
Title: Disable link to availability if required context information is missing
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
The page menu link "Availability" was also shown if required context
information were missing in a view. This lead to an error message on the
availability view.
The page menu link will now be disabled if not all required context
informations are available.
ID: 12787
Title: Kubernetes: Custom URL: ignore default port
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Affected Component: Special Agent Kubernetes: Configuration "API server endpoint"
Before this werk the default https port (433) was appended to the URL defined
with the option "Custom URL".
After this werk the custom URL will be used as is to query the
Kubernetes cluster.
ID: 12872
Title: Add global option to log logon failures
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.1.0i1
With this option you can enable the logging of logon failures. If enabled, the
username and client the request is comming from is logged to ~/var/log/web.log.
ID: 12869
Title: Fix error on commands in views with always enabled checkboxes
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
If commands where used in views with option "Always show the checkboxes"
enabled, commands failed with an error "No rows selected to perform actions
for." even if checkboxes had been selected. A workaround was, to send the
command again after using the "Back to view" link of the error message.
ID: 12914
Title: mssql.vbs: plugin now uses UTF-16 to support special characters like umlauts
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Previously, any non-ASCII characters in the output of the the mssql.vbs agent plugin
were removed. As a result, the services were assigned incorrect (truncated) names.
Now the plugin uses UTF-16 to encode its output and service names are displayed
correctly. You have to rediscover the affected services.