ID: 11482
Title: Add option for host and service labels in notification rule conditions
Component: Notifications
Level: 2
Class: New feature
Version: 2.0.0i1
You can now configure conditions for host and service labels in notification
Label conditions can be added the same way like in ruleset conditions
("has"/"has not").
ID: 11497
Title: Notification spooler: Fix potential cluster issues when trying to stop mknotifyd
Component: Core & setup
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.0.0i1
When running a failover cluster (like on the Checkmk appliance) it is important
to stop all services in a reliable way before the cluster data volume can be
unmounted and moved over to the other nodes.
Previously the mknotifyd init script (which is used by omd stop) was not
waiting for the …
[View More]mknotifyd to terminate after signaling a stop to the process.
In rare cases this could lead to failover failures, when the mknotifyd takes
too long to stop.
[View Less]