ID: 7366
Title: openhardwaremonitor: Handles WMI timeouts correctly
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
Newer Windows agents provide an additional column WMIStatus
with the possible value OK or Timeout.
In case of a WMI timeout the {{openhardwaremonitor}} services
go stale.
ID: 7255
Title: Active check "Check State of BI Aggregation": Introduced new option for credentials configuration
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
You can now tell the active check to use the secret from the local <tt>automation</tt> user account.
ID: 7336
Title: labels: New inventory script to discover generic host labels
Component: HW/SW Inventory
Level: 2
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
A new HW/SW inventory script has been added that works on a generic "<<<labels>>>" section.
It is used to discover host labels from this section.
The first agent that produces this section is the Kubernetes special agent. It creates the
label sections for all kind of objects that are monitored by Check_MK. This makes Check_MK
automatically import the labels configured in Kubernetes. You can now use them to filter
your views, dashboards and in the future also create rules in WATO based on them.
ID: 7364
Title: check_mk_agent.{aix,solaris}: Fixed possibly disappeared inventory entries
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
On Linux hosts the HW/SW inventory plugin {{mk_inventory}} remembers the
remote address, ie. the Check_MK server, in order to know which server has
already got the inventory data (for caching reasons).
The AIX and Solaris agent does not provide the remote host information.
This may lead to disappearing inventory data on Check_MK servers if at
least two Check_MK servers request data from the same client host.
ID: 7335
Title: Fixed broken regex based hostname translation in EC
Component: Event Console
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
The hostname translation of the EC was broken since release of
Check_MK 1.4.0 (caused by #3687). This issue lead to dropped events
once the translation has been condifgured. The problem was visible
in the mkeventd.log in the following form:
2019-04-04 11:36:24,286 [40] [cmk.mkeventd.EventServer] Unable to parse host "HOST" ('tuple' object has no attribute 'endswith')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/snmp/lib/python/cmk/ec/", line 2787, in do_translate_hostname
event["host"] = self.translate_hostname(event["host"])
File "/omd/sites/snmp/lib/python/cmk/ec/", line 2768, in translate_hostname
if not regex.endswith('$'):
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'endswith'
ID: 7434
Title: winperf_phydisk: Optional configuration of disk io operations
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
This werk adds support for the configuration of Levels for disk I/O operations
for Windows in WATO rule "Levels on disk IO (old style checks)".
ID: 7122
Title: aws_ec2_limits: New check which monitors AWS/EC2 limits
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 1.6.0i1
The following limits and their default levels are monitored:
<li>VPC Elastic IP Addresses, 5</li>
<li>Elastic IP Addresses, 5</li>
<li>Rules of VPC security group, 50</li>
<li>Security Groups of VPC, 500</li>
<li>VPC security groups of elastic network interface, 5</li>
<li>Spot Instance Requests, 20</li>
<li>Active Spot Fleet Requests, 1000</li>
<li>Spot Fleet Requests Total Target Capacity, 5000</li>
<li>Total Running On-Demand Instances, 20</li>
<li>Running On-Demand Instances of different types, 20</li>
ID: 7393
Title: mongodb_collections: New WATO rule and fixed output
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
The storage size is no longer wrongly treated as total available space,
which led to a {CRIT} state.
Users who had a rule configured for Mongo DB collections need to set
up a new one.
ID: 7254
Title: Background Jobs: Fixed bug on several job detail pages, stating the job is stuck in "initialized" phase
Component: WATO
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 1.6.0i1
The <tt>Bake agents</tt> or <tt>Download agent output</tt> background job details pages incorrectly showed the jobstatus as initialized.
This error solely was a display bug and was caused by invalid parsing of the jobs statefile.
The actual background job was running fine.