Checkmk werks level1 July 2018
  • 9 participants
  • 109 discussions

Check_MK Werk 6387: Fixed staleness of services on piggybacked hosts
by Simon Betz
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6377: Bulk discovery was not taking selected options into account
by Lars Michelsen
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6376: Analyze configuration: Fixed "Apache number of processes" on SLES
by Lars Michelsen
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6374: Fixed wrong Check_MK service execution time calculation with special agents
by Lars Michelsen
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6375: Fixed sidebar folding when "Show Check_MK edition & version in sidebar" is disabled
by Lars Michelsen
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6205: hp_proliant_psu: HP ProLiant Power Supply Unit
by Moritz Kiemer
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6140: mssql_blocked_sessions: This check is now instance aware
by Simon Betz
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6373: Fixed UnicodeEncodeError when piping "cmk -M" to stream or file
by Lars Michelsen
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6120: cisco_nexus_cpu: use the ruleset "CPU utilization for simple devices"
by Tom Baerwinkel
6 years, 1 month

Check_MK Werk 6126: use correct metric with a better visible colour for averaged CPU utilization
by Tom Baerwinkel
6 years, 1 month
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