Checkmk werks level1 March 2017
  • 9 participants
  • 133 discussions

Check_MK Werk 4578: websphere_mq_instance, websphere_mq_instance.manager: Fixed wrong WATO group
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4577: websphere_mq_channels: Fixed missing channel states
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4431: Fixed enabling/disabling of notifications/active checks/passive checks
by Sven Panne
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4576: if64, if64adm: Fixed interface speed handling, if highspeed data is not available or zero
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4527: websphere_mq_channels: Now has its own WATO ruleset
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4552: win_dhcp_pools: Fixed conversion of old type of rules (1.2.6) to new type (1.2.8)
by Marcel Arentz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4535: emcvnx_writecache: Fixed discovery, id. if getcache command is not supported
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4534: emcvnx_mirrorview: Handles 'Request failed.' correct, id. sync mirror feature is not installed or unavailable.
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4533: cisco_vpn_tunnel: Fixed handling if tunnel is not yet open and phase two values are not set
by Simon Betz
7 years, 5 months

Check_MK Werk 4467: BI aggregation compilation: fixed race condition exception, also forks less processes for compilation
by Andreas Boesl
7 years, 5 months
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