ID: 2992
Title: New visual filter: "Hostname or Alias"
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4
Previously you could either search for the hostname or the hostalias
with distinct filters. This new filter returns both matches, e.g
any hosts starting with 'server7' and any hostaliases with 'server7'.
The <i>Quicksearch</i> sidebar snapin also supports this new filter.
If you want to use it you need to edit the target view of the quicksearch,
usually <i>searchhost</i>, and replace the <i>Hostname</i> filter with the
<i>Hostname or Alias</i> filter. If both filters are active, you will only
get the hostnames on the quicksearch.<br>
Reason: <i>Hostname</i> AND <i>Hostname and Alias</i>: Just the hostname...
ID: 2980
Title: agent_ipmi_sensors: new special agent to monitor IPMI data via ipmi-sensors (of freeipmi)
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i4
Please make sure, that if you have installed freeipmi that IPMI is really support by your hardware.