ID: 2421
Title: winperf_phydisk: now able to monitor the average read/write duration for each disk
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i3
Note: This updated winperf_phydisk check requires an update of the windows agent too.
Otherwise, you won't see any additional information.
ID: 2512
Title: Custom Icons/Actions: URLs target frames can now be configured
Component: Multisite
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i3
In previous versions the URLs were always opened within the current frameset
instead of the current content frame page. Now you can configure the URLs to
be opened in new frames/tabs or instead of the frameset.
ID: 2511
Title: siemens_plc: Special agent can now be configured to fetch other memory areas than DB
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i3
The Siemens PLC special agent was only able to fetch data from the "Datenbaustein" memory areas.
Now it can also fetch data from Input, Output, Merker, Timer and Counter memory areas.
ID: 1284
Title: symantec_av_progstate: Now Supports the current version of Symantec AV
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.7i3
ID: 2521
Title: new check juniper_trpz_aps_sessions: shows the radio data and sessions per online access point
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i3
This check monitors the status of online access points of a junioer wla device.
Furthermore it shows the IO, errors, resets, retries, sessions and noise floor
per radio of the access points.
This check is cluster-aware
ID: 2520
Title: New check genua_vpn: monitors the VPN state of a genuscreen VPN appliance
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i3
This check monitors the VPN state of a genuscreen VPN appliance which supports
patchlevel 5.1
ID: 1283
Title: hyperv_checkpoints,hyperv_vmstatus: Checkpoints and Integration Services Check for HyperV VMs
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 1
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.7i3
A new agent plugin on the HyperV Host is needed: hyperv_vms_guestinfos.ps1.
All information a returned as Piggyback informations. So you can not see anything directly under the hostsystem.
ID: 2541
Title: Round last state change of network interfaces to one day, avoid history spam
Component: HW/SW-Inventory
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.7i3
This avoid massive changes in inventory every time the inventory is being run - thus
avoiding spamming the inventory history.