Checkmk werks level1 August 2014
  • 5 participants
  • 66 discussions

Check_MK Werk 0654: oracle_instance: now also monitors the log mode
by Goetz Golla
10 years

Check_MK Werk 0653: script to extract hw/sw inventory data in csv format
by Goetz Golla
10 years

Check_MK Werk 0652: windows software inventory gives some more details about OS and installed software
by Goetz Golla
10 years

Check_MK Werk 1150: netstat: new check for monitoring TCP/UDP connections and Linux and AIX
by Mathias Kettner
10 years

Check_MK Werk 0651: f5_bigip_interfaces: indentation error and oid to determine the interface state fixed
by Goetz Golla
10 years

Check_MK Werk 1149: check_mk-ibm_svc_systemstats.diskio, check_mk-ibm_svc_systemstats.iops: fix exception in Perf-O-Meter
by Mathias Kettner
10 years

Check_MK Werk 1148: Allow execution of actions when cancelling events
by Mathias Kettner
10 years

Check_MK Werk 1103: windows agent: now able to omit context text of logfiles
by Andreas Boesl
10 years

Check_MK Werk 1103: windows agent: now able to omit context text of logfiles
by Andreas Boesl
10 years

Check_MK Werk 1102: esx_vsphere_counters: now raise a MKCounterWrapped exception if counter data is missing
by Andreas Boesl
10 years
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