Checkmk git commits February 2015
  • 8 participants
  • 297 discussions

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1935 WATO Web-API: Reduced number configurable role permissions
by Andreas Boesl
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1934 WATO Web-API: Documentation is finally available
by Andreas Boesl
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: The host/ service type icon can now be disabled by rule
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1975 FIX check_bi_aggr: Ignoring proxy settings from environment now
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Fixed exception in several Perf-O-Meters
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Fixed some english texts
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: A few experiments with the new metrics
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: FIX: reserved space in df checks now has the correct unit MB
by Goetz Golla
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1860 df and other filesystem checks:
by Goetz Golla
9 years, 4 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: resurrected deleted check_mk-df.php
by Andreas Boesl
9 years, 4 months
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