Checkmk git commits November 2014
  • 6 participants
  • 232 discussions

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1518 raritan_pdu_inlet, raritan_pdu_inlet_summary : Modified existing check to give one item per phase and support setting levels.
by Konstantin Büttner
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: New ValuSpec for absolut directory names
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Now really fixed refreshing of pnp graph dashlets
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1539 FIX Fixed refreshing of PNP graphs in dashboards
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1538 FIX Only allow switching sites on/ off when permitted to
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: raritan_pdu_inlet: intermediate step for code redesign
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Removed code gnaaaaah
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Removed debug output in dashboard editor
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: hwg_temp: changed default levels to 30/
by Mathias Kettner
9 years, 9 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1537 FIX Added transformation code for user dashboards created between 2014-08 and 2014-10
by Lars Michelsen
9 years, 9 months
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