Branch: refs/heads/2.1.0
Commit: f8bd0fc2bc170e2b573f402db863aa22a81d5ab3…
Author: Andreas Umbreit <andreas.umbreit(a)>
Date: 2022-04-04 (Mon, 04 Apr 2022)
Changed paths:
A .werks/13678
Log Message:
13678 super_server: Add rule to deactivate Solaris network service
It is now possible to prevent the Solaris .pkg package from the agent bakery
to install an inetd service on the target systems.
This can be configured by the agent rule "Checkmk agent network service
that can be found at the "Generic options" agent rules section.
Sidenote: Alongside this change, the corresponding Linux-related rule "Checkmk agent
service (Linux)" also moves to the "Generic options" section. This only
the presentation on the GUI and has no further consequences.
Change-Id: I254b546f21e911b75f0577930965c61591395c2f