Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: c5ad28f5a56e7496ff71b3ec57c22ae2e7e181a7…
Author: Sofia Colakovic <sofia.colakovic(a)>
Date: 2022-04-01 (Fri, 01 Apr 2022)
Changed paths:
A .werks/13462
M cmk/special_agents/
M tests/unit/checks/
Log Message:
13462 agent_azure: Host labels added to resource group and vm
New host labels are added to hosts corresponding to resource groups
and virtual machines in Azure.
Resource group host had its tags as host labels so far. Now, the name
of the resource group is added additionally.
Virtual machine host didn't have any host labels. Now, it has its own
tags, resource group tags and resource group name as labels.
Change-Id: Ia8fc5688e490c4e207a39baf045143c4daed98c4