Checkmk git commits June 2016
  • 8 participants
  • 185 discussions

Reserved 10 Werk IDS
by Sebastian Herbord
8 years

Better error handling in forms.edit_dictionary
by Mathias Kettner
8 years

3146 FIX notification scripts will now also timeout when sending a bulk notification
by Sebastian Herbord
8 years

fixed missing section header in inotify plugin
by Andreas Boesl
8 years

3145 FIX solaris agent: fileinfo patterns that match a directory will no longer output items for the files in that directory
by Sebastian Herbord
8 years

added additional fixes for zfs_arc_cache
by Simon Betz
8 years

3548 FIX agent_netapp: fixed agent exception for channels without shelfes. improved 7mode/ clustermode differentation
by Andreas Boesl
8 years

3549 FIX netapp_api_snapshots: now correctly processes offline volumes
by Andreas Boesl
8 years fix exception in case of empty logfile output
by Mathias Kettner
8 years

3547 FIX Deleting a subfolder now generates a correct audit message
by Andreas Boesl
8 years
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