Checkmk git commits July 2015
  • 8 participants
  • 287 discussions

Check_MK Git: check_mk: synology_raid: fixed output of check (
by Mathias Kettner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: juniper_trpz_aps: fixed syntax a bit
by Mathias Kettner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Added example notification script for slack into the treasures
by Mathias Kettner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: New option --compress-history for optimizing monitoring history files
by Mathias Kettner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Added missing icon from previous commit
by Mathias Kettner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Icon for reloading monitoring configuration in log view
by Mathias Kettner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: added missing files for werk 2292
by Simon Betz
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #2292 New check for the Kentix Alarmmanager Pro: kentix_amp_sensors
by Simon Betz
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: Some corrections
by Konstantin Büttner
8 years, 11 months

Check_MK Git: check_mk: #1276 FIX brocade_mlx_temperature:
by Bastian Kuhn
8 years, 11 months
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