Dear friends of Check_MK,
the new beta release 1.2.8b7 of Check_MK is ready for download.
This new beta release comes with 27 changes. Most of them are fixes to improve
the stability of Check_MK 1.2.8.
Changes in all Check_MK Editions:
Core & Setup:
* 3008 FIX: Fixed exception in logwatch config generation when using Nagios...
Checks & Agents:
* 3012 jolokia_metrics.threads: Improved check output, now showing the actual problem
and levels
* 3292 livestatus_status: Added Microcore relevant metrics like helper usage and
* 3098 FIX: isc_dhcpd: fixed handling of leases that never expire
* 3099 FIX: mk_mysql: worked around problems where running instances can't be
* 3009 FIX: ESX agent: fixed exception with utf-8 encoded strings...
* 3010 FIX: Fixed vanished snmp subchecks for snmp hosts...
* 3237 FIX: brocade_vdx_status: Fixed broken discovery
* 3238 FIX: if.include: Fixed handling of old-skool traffic limits
* 3104 FIX: ipmi: fixed crash when using summarized output with nagios backend
* 3290 FIX: Fixed broken event quick delete icon when used in dashlets
* 3236 FIX: Fixed host page of pnp4nagios...
* 3293 FIX: Fixed graphs in IE with enabled compatibility mode (for IE < 8)
* 3100 FIX: fixed exception when trying to create a wato folder when that folder
already exists
* 3011 FIX: WATO host diagnostic page: prevent incorrectly filled input fields...
* 3291 FIX: Improved error handling when searching for BI aggregations with invalid
Event Console:
* 3097 FIX: mkeventd: fixed crash with non-descriptive error message if mibs
couldn't be loaded
* 3013 FIX: Inventory: snmp inventory plugins never use cached data...
Changes in the Check_MK Enterprise Edition:
The Check_MK Micro Core:
* 8444 FIX: Fixed core crash when a time period was empty
* 8445 FIX: Fixed calculation of unreachable hosts...
Config generation:
* 8202 FIX: logwatch: Config generation no longer fails if the logwatch item has
special characters
* 8481 New option for adding host name or alias to graph title in reports...
Metrics System:
* 8458 FIX: Fixed links from host detail page to host graph page
* 8459 FIX: Graph hover indicator was shown on verticl axis
* 8460 FIX: Fixed graph zooming/panning in older Firefox versions (e.g. 38 or lower)
* 8457 FIX: HTML mails are now using the Check_MK graphs when using the Microcore
You can download Check_MK from our download page:
Please mail bug reports and qualified feedback to feedback(a)
We greatly thank you for using Check_MK and wish you a successful monitoring,
Your Check_MK Team
Mathias Kettner GmbH
Kellerstraße 29, 81667 München, Germany
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRB 165902
Geschäftsführer: Mathias Kettner
Tel. +49 89 1890 435-0
Fax. +49 89 1890 435-29