Dear Check_MK-Appliance-Users,
we just released the version 1.4.1 of the firmware.
The update from firmware 1.x to 1.4+ is a major platform update. In this
step we move the underlying OS from Debian wheezy, which reaches it's
EOL in April 2018, to Debian stretch.
The changes we get with this update affect the CMA platform in several
ways. Here are the most important changes:
* The update from wheezy to stretch involves a lot of packages being updated.
Have a look at the ChangedPackages files of 1.4.0 and 1.4.1, which can be
found on the download page, for details.
In case custom software components you installed manually rely on some of
these packages, you may have to update them manually.
* The new platform is now based on systemd. This brings a lot of changes.
It's not just the whole init system, systemd also comes with changes to
the way physical network devices are named. This means that all interface
names change from eth[0-9]+ to en*. For details have a look at the systemd
manual "Predictable network interface names". We care about this renaming
during the update procedure for the standard CMA configuration.
In case you didn't do fancy own stuff on the device, you will likely not
notice this change in the first place.
If you have configured the network interface names in some custom components,
you will have to migrate the names on you own. You can find information about
the old names and their MAC address in "/etc/cma/pre-1.4-interface-names" on
your updated device. Use the MAC address to match it with the new interface
* The new platform requires all Check_MK versions to be reinstalled / updated
to the new platform. Sites using platform incompatible versions can not be
started anymore.
To solve this, you need to either replace the previously installed Check_MK
version with a platform compatible one or install a new platform compatible
version and update your site to this version.
Do it like this (clusters: on the active node only):
* First go to the "Site management" page and check your sites Check_MK
version. In case it is marked as compatible you can simply start it now
and you are done.
* If it's incompatible proceed with opening the Check_MK download page and
download the exact same Check_MK version for the CMA 1.4+ platform. Or,
in case it's not available, download a following Check_MK version that is
compatible with the new platform.
For example, if you site runs Check_MK 1.4.0p23, you need to download
one of the newer Check_MK 1.4.0p-versions that have a CMA 1.4+ package.
In case you already use e.g. 1.4.0p25, you can download 1.4.0p25 and
proceed with this version.
You could also advance from Check_MK 1.4 to a 1.5 release, but since this
is a upgrade from one Check_MK major release to the next, you will likely
need to do additional migrations within your Check_MK configuration. We
recommend to do these things in a separate step.
* Now that you have downloaded the CMA 1.4+ Check_MK package to your
computer, navigate to the "Check_MK versions page" and upload the file
* Then go to the "Site management" page again and update your sites to the
1.4+ compatible versions if needed. In case you replaced the old platform
package with the new platform package, the site update step is not needed.
* Now you can start the site as usual on the "Site management" page.
* If you have configured two appliances as cluster, the update to CMA 1.4 needs
a special procedure when updating clusters.
The update can only be done offline, which means you will have a downtime.
You need to proceed like this:
* Disconnect the cluster nodes using "Disconnect cluster" on the cluster page
* Update one node to 1.4+
* Update the other node to 1.4+
* Open up the cluster page and use "Reconnect cluster" to re-establish the
cluster connection. The cluster page should show all resources in "OK"
state after a short time.
* Then you need to check your sites and Check_MK version to update them
to the new platform as written above.
The complete list of changes can be found here:
You can download the new version here:
Your Check_MK Team
Mathias Kettner GmbH
Kellerstraße 29, 81667 München, Germany
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRB 165902
Geschäftsführer: Mathias Kettner
Tel. +49 89 1890 435-0
Fax. +49 89 1890 435-29