ID: 7445
Title: Historic data views and painters for capacity management
Component: Reporting & Availability
Level: 2
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
Capacity management allows you to work with the service metrics historical
data. When configuring a view you can select for a column the "Service
Historic Metrics" option from the drop-down menu, available for the "All
hosts" and "All services" data-sources.
This customizable painter allows you to select, which service metric you
want to analyze, over which time range should data be recovered from your
RRD database, how data is to be consolidated and aggregated. Finally, you
need to label this column to your best convenience.
Some ideas you might want to consider when creating your views:
List all your hosts Peak CPU utilization, over the last week, and also last
month. Maybe you want also to create a new column corresponding to the to
the times a new version of your software was deployed. Time ranges are
completely flexible, and you can keep adding columns for any time window
you prefer.
Analyze over the same time window, the peak, average and minimum CPU
utilization of all your hosts over the last week or last month.
You can also get data from different services at the same time. For example
showing CPU utilization, used memory and disk IO averaged over the last
One last note. Because you will be querying from the RRD data of many hosts
at the same time, query time will increase linearly with the volume of data
you are processing.