ID: 10553
Title: Extended Checkmk crash reporting
Component: Multisite
Level: 2
Class: New feature
Version: 1.7.0i1
The crash reporting functionality of Checkmk has been extended. In previous versions
of Checkmk it was possible to report only GUI and check plugin related crashes to the
Checkmk team.
With this change Checkmk is able to collect crashes from all components of Checkmk.
These crashes can be displayed in the central user interface in distributed setups.
You can access the crashes using the view <tt>Views > Other > Crash
This view shows you a list of all captured crashes. You can open the details of
a crash by clicking on the crash ID and send them to the Checkmk team or download
the crash package.
These crash reports are stored locally in each site below
There is a cleanup mechanism in place which removes all crashes except the last 20
per component.