Please find the below logs where is the device disk drive are not getting discovered in Check_mk (1.2.4b7)

OMD[setpoller01]:~$ cmk -II --debug -vpnd MUMPL-VRT-SRV-WIN-

Connecting via TCP to


Version: 1.2.4b3

Architecture: 32bit

AgentOS: windows

Hostname: msmwrlsqldb


C:\ NTFS 62903292 37342052 25561240  60% C:\

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PlateSpin\Volume Snapshots\aeaf9c6f-28e8-4741-8726-e9a5af82f5b8\ NTFS 62903292 30438748 32464544  49% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PlateSpin\Volume Snapshots\aeaf9c6f-28e8-4741-8726-e9a5af82f5b8\

Database NTFS 31457276 28528276 2929000  91% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PlateSpin\Volume Snapshots\9d667d4e-5e59-4605-9e32-68eb6571e2fa\

SQL_Logs NTFS 31457276 9383692 22073584  30% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PlateSpin\Volume Snapshots\f9bc76ec-59b2-4aac-accd-ee0ccf0ef5f6\

Database NTFS 62908488 28928996 33979492  46% E:\

SQL_Logs NTFS 31457276 9074672 22382604  29% F:\