ID: 5532
Title: Host/Service states and outputs can now be translated
Component: cmc
Level: 2
Class: New feature
Version: 1.5.0i2
The states and service status detail of hosts and services can now be translated. You can
use the rules {{Host state translation}} and {{Service state translation}} to configure
Check_MK core to translate either specific states to other states or the status detail to
States: For each host/service you can configure a transformation of each possible
monitoring state
to another one.
The state translation can, for example, be used to inverse a host check in case you want
to get
a notification in case a host becomes reachable.
The translation of detail outputs is done using regular expressions. You can specify
regular expressions (infix match, case sensitive) per object which are applied to the
status detail. The matched text will be replaced by the specified replacement text. You
use match groups to extract parts of the original text using the regular expression.