ID: 0561
Title: quicksearch: now able to search with multiple filters
Component: Multisite
Level: 2
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i1
The classical quicksearch allowed certain filter prefixes,
which specified the item to look for. For example:
<li>h: {search_text} # Find hostname, host_address or hostalias</li>
<li>s: {search_text} # Find service</li>
<li>hg: {search_text} # Find hostgroup</li>
<li>sg: {search_text} # Find servicegroup</li>
The new search feature enhances the service search.<br>
You can now combine these filters to thin out the results.<br>
For example:
s: mem h: localhost
This will search for all services containing <tt>mem</tt> on the localhost.
Furthermore you can combine these filters.
s: mem s: cpu h: localhost h: switch-intern
This will search for all services containing <tt>mem</tt> <b>OR</b> <tt>cpu</tt> on
the hosts <tt>localhost</tt> <b>OR</b> <tt>switch-intern</tt>.
The search algorhytm is as follow:
<li>Same filters are combined with <tt>OR</tt></li>
<li>Different filters are combined with <tt>AND</tt></li>
The query <tt>h: localhost s: mem s: cpu h:switch-intern</tt> actually results in the
following livestatus query:
GET services
Cache: reload
Columns: service_description host_name hostgroups servicegroups
Filter: host_name ~~ switch-intern
Filter: host_name ~~ localhost
Or: 2
Filter: service_description ~~ cpu
Filter: service_description ~~ mem
Or: 2
And: 2
Limit: 80
You can also add the <tt>hg:</tt> and <tt>sg:</tt> filters to the query.<br>
<b>Note:</b> Right now, this multisearch filter only works if at least one of the filters is a service (<tt>s:</tt>).
ID: 0702
Title: Rule for checking agents for wanted version
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 2
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i1
You can now define a rule (in WATO it is called "Check for correct version of
Check_MK agent") to check if the Check_MK Agents have one wanted version.
You may give a version number manually or take the version number of the
monitoring site as a reference.
If the Agent has a different version, the Check_MK service on this host returns
a WARN status, or what ever status you did define in the rule "Status of the
Check_MK service".
ID: 0585
Title: check_mk_agent.linux: more efficient handling of cups printer queues
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i1
The handling of printer queues has been made more efficient for cases when
many printer queues (>> 100) are to be monitored. This part of the agent
is now a factor of 10-20 faster !
ID: 0584
Title: agent_vsphere: special agent now handles non-standard https port correctly
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i1
The special agent vsphere to monitor ESX-Servers and vcenters can be configured to use a
non-standard port for the vsphere https connection. This might be useful for firewall
traversals etc.
The configuration was possible before this fix in WATO, but it was never used, so that the
default https port 443 was always used.
With this fix the port which is actually configured in WATO will be used for https.
If a vcenter is queried including the check_mk_agent, the check_mk_agent will still be queried
on the standard check_mk_agent port 6556, whereas the https connection port will be the one
configured in WATO.
ID: 0405
Title: Add CSV export to availability views
Component: Reporting & Availability
Level: 2
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i1
In the availability table views there is now the small CSV export icon at the
bottom left of the page, which allows a CVS export of the table.
ID: 0276
Title: nagios4 livestatus support
Component: Livestatus
Level: 3
Class: New Feature
Version: 1.2.5i1
It is now possible to compile livestatus for nagios4.
The <tt></tt> script from the check_mk tarball now autodetects
the nagios version and proposes it during the setup process.<br>
You can also choose the version manually (3 or 4).<br>
Depending on the chosen version livestatus includes the nagios headers from 3.2.0 or 4.0.2.<br><br>
If you just want to compile livestatus you can set the nagios version via an option in the configure script.<br>
<tt>configure --with-nagios4<tt>
ID: 0708
Title: ntp, ntp.peers: avoid DNS lookups in NTP queries and avoid timeouts
Component: Checks & Agents
Level: 2
Class: Bug Fix
Version: 1.2.5i1
The ntpq queries in the various Unix agents now call ntpq with the option
-n. This avoids DNS lookups. Note: the ntp.peers check will then display
IP addresses instead of host names. That check will fail if you do not
have fixed IP addresses.