ID: 13093
Title: Limit various fields lengths when writing to the monitoring history.
Component: cmc
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.2.0i1
To protect against very long fields coming e.g. from notification plugins
and other external sources, the CMC will put limit to various fields which
are written to the monitoring history. If such a field is too long, it's
simply truncated. This is a simple protection against huge memory
consumption of the CMC, which caches log lines for faster views and SLA
Limits (non-configurable for now):
<li>Comment: 2000 bytes</li>
<li>Plugin output: 1000 bytes</li>
<li>Long plugin output: 2000 bytes</li>
Note: For fields coming from the Python side (i.e. notifications),
it's actually characters, not bytes.
ID: 13691
Title: Renew old site certificates during update
Component: Setup
Level: 1
Class: New feature
Version: 2.1.0i1
Older certificates that do not include the server name
extension need to be updated in order to support the new
agents TLS encryption.
The old certificate is moved to <tt>[my_site].pem.bak</tt>,
and a new one is created.
The existing site local root CA, which signed the previous
certificate, is used to sign the new certficate.
Since the trust between distributed sites is established
with the local root CA, no additional action is needed.
ID: 13603
Title: Windows agent ps section uses tab to separate arguments
Component: Checks & agents
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Previously Windows agent used the space, thus making
problems for monitoring.
With this release the problem has been solved.
ID: 13623
Title: New default dashboards for linux and windows
Component: Multisite
Level: 2
Class: New feature
Version: 2.1.0i1
With this werk 4 new default dashboards are added to Checkmk. These are:
* <b>Linux hosts</b>: A default dashboard to be used for a (smaller) group of Linux hosts, e.g. a cluster. You will find this dashboard in the "Overview" topic of the Monitor menu.
* <b>Windows hosts</b>: A default dashboard like the above but for windows hosts.
* <b>Single Linux host</b>: A host specific dashboard for Linux hosts. This dashboard is available through the context of a Linux host or though the link of the particular host in the overview dashboard.
* <b>Single Windows host</b>: A host specific dashboard like the above but for windows hosts.
You will find the group dashboards on Monitor > Overview and below the entry
"All hosts". Both dashboards are prefilterted to hosts with the according
operating system. But the scope is a smaller group of related host, e.g. a
cluster of linux or windows server. Because of that it is recommended, to add
more filters to get an actual overview of a specifc group of linux/windows
The single host dashboards linked in the host name column, reachable through
the "Host information" dashlet of the group dashboard. Alternatively you
can reach them through the host overview itself by the "Host" dropdown at
the topic "Overview".
ID: 13722
Title: Don't return passwords
Component: REST API
Level: 1
Class: Security fix
Version: 2.1.0i1
Before this werk it was possible to retrieve stored passwords in cleartext over
the <i>REST API</i>. They are not shown in the GUI and should not be revealed
to a user.
A Checkmk admin can still retrieve the password with access to the filesystem
ID: 13294
Title: Liveproxyd: Fixed connection problems when number of configured sites exceeds 250
Component: Livestatus Proxy
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.0.0p21
If you had more than 250 sites configured, the sites' worker processes could fail because the number of filedescriptors exceeded a critical limit.
ID: 13293
Title: Fixed missing BI icons for services configured to be found in remaining services
Component: BI
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.0.0p21
In certain constellations, BI icons linking to "Aggregations containing this service" were not displayed in a view.
ID: 13292
Title: BI Special Agent: Fixed broken group path filtering
Component: BI
Level: 1
Class: Bug fix
Version: 2.0.0p21
Aggregations configured with a group path were not correctly detected by the filter mechanism.