Branch: refs/heads/2.1.0
Commit: dd0cbb37405fd003ed2219033d60246c6b71f8c4…
Author: Andreas Umbreit <andreas.umbreit(a)>
Date: 2023-08-01 (Tue, 01 Aug 2023)
Changed paths:
A .werks/15705
Log Message:
15705 FIX Warning about agent updater rule on CME remote site update
When updating a remote site in a distributed site setup using the
Checkmk Managed Services Edition, the update process may issue a
warning like this:
-| WARNING: Invalid rule configuration detected (Ruleset: agent_config:cmk_update_agent,
Title: Agent updater (Linux, Windows, Solaris), Folder: ,
-| Rule nr: 1, Exception: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-| MII...
-| ...HqQ==
-| -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-| is not an allowed value)
-| Detected 1 issue(s) in configured rules.
-| To correct these issues, we recommend to open the affected rules in the GUI.
-| Upon attempting to save them, any problematic fields will be highlighted.
The root cause for this warning is that on the CME remote site, the underlying
agent signing certificates are not available, so the ruleset referring to them
can't be verified.
As a workaround you can safely ignore this warning, since the
rule is never used on a remote site.
However, from now on the warning won't be displayed any longer.
Change-Id: Iecd2c270a4e77f21d4b942e6a659ce5ad4a9f4f8